“There’s a certain time as you age, you feel
like you’ve lost things forever. Schmid just doesn’t accept that.”

— Jeff M, 61

A former athlete, Jeff felt completely beaten down from illness.  A long fight with kidney disease had made it increasingly difficult for him to do the work he loves. He was nearly unable to get down on his knees to look under a piece of furniture he was building. He found that the physical demands of hauling, lifting, joining, sanding and fitting wood were turning what had brought him joy into days of pain.  Then, after years of dialysis, Jeff was told he had kidney cancer.  

Many people would have given up.  Not Jeff.  His wife had started working out at SE2 and suggested Jeff give Schmid Etienne a try.  That was four years ago.  Jeff beat cancer and now he runs sprints and up hills with Schmid and other 20-somethings.  

“It’s entirely different now. I don’t feel like an old man any more, not that I ever was.”

“Schmid really understands how the body works. More importantly, He really understands me, personally. He knows that I’m a real fighter, and he’s been able to tap into that part of me. He’s got me doing things that even I, a former athlete, am astounded by. It’s just amazing. I feel such gratitude.”