THe SE2 Philosophy

Our approach to exercise mirrors our view of life.  We believe that our bodies were designed to move.  The more you move, the better you feel.  When you move better, you feel better.  When you feel better, you live a happier and healthier life at any age.

Seraphim Exercise Engineering Studios (SE2 Studios) puts this philosophy into action.  We provide a combined, biomechanics- and performance-based program that engineers individualized exercises to improve human movement and maximize function so that you can move easily and efficiently without pain regardless of your age, history of injuries, or experience—neophyte to exercise or pro athlete.

We also believe that the mind needs to be engaged actively with the body when exercising.  That means not only understanding how the muscles are meant to perform, but using the mind to enhance movement as you perform each exercise.  For us, the body/mind connection is active, building a bridge that leads to optimal health.


Meet the Founder


Schmid Etienne, MS, MATcs Founder, Exercise Engineer

Schmid Etienne is a Minority and Serviced Disabled Veteran entrepreneur, owner, and president of Seraphim Exercise Engineering Studio (SE2 Studio). He is also the co-founder and CEO of R.E.S.S.E.T Studio, a research-backed emotional wellbeing and stress management program that is designed to teach individuals how to effectively manage stress by simply using their senses.