Phase 1 - Readiness

Readiness is the starting point, the building block, if you will, of this process.  We believe that a client must be ready for change and ready to make a change for success to happen in the mental, physical and social aspects of their life. Whether the individual is looking to MOVE better, FEEL better, BE better or reduce PAIN, the process WILL always begin in and with the mind.  Therefore, it is essential that an individual becomes ready or prepares for the goal or journey ahead. The READINESS phase does just that. For example, you may be excited to start with a recovery plan, but you need to move more slowly in its implementation because your body needs further healing. Or your life is so busy that undertaking a comprehensive plan is out of the question because of your limited availability. The Coach will use this information to structure a plan that is achievable given your schedule. 

In this phase, the readiness of the individual is assessed, and detailed information about their goal is identified by the coach.